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Current Workout Routine & Top Fitness Tips

I am always changing this up because I get bored easily. I take this week by week depending on if I'm hurting or sick or just plain busy. Mostly, I stick to it and I write it down so I'm accountable! I figured I would share what I'm currently doing in case you need some new ideas. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

I'm mainly trying to run 2/3 times per week. I use Robin Arzon's book as a guide for different training plans. I'm running 3/4 miles 1/2 times per week and then I'll do one long run (which for me is over 4 miles lolol). This is my main workout focus since I really want to become a better runner. I know lifting/yoga helps too so I try not to skip on those workouts. If I can't run I will do a spin class.

The other days of the week I try to get one upper body strength day and one lower body strength day. I will also throw core into any of these workouts when I have time. I try to time the lower body strength day so it doesn't mess up my running if I'm sore.

If I'm really ambitious and get all of the above done, then I will throw in one spin day or one yoga day. Depends on what strikes my interest that day.

I use to only lift or only run and I'm finding that my body is at it's peak when I am doing a mix of workouts. I am much more defined than when I was only lifting and that would surprise most people. I use to just listen to what everyone else thought I needed to do but when I started trying to find my own "groove" my body thanked me. It will take some trial and error but you have to find what works for you. I can't preach that enough. You also have to do things you enjoy not just what you think will make you "fit". Being fit is mental too and if you hate your workouts 100% all the time, you won't stick to them. I don't love my workouts every day but I love them most days and I love how I feel after.

You also have to find a balance between my body needs a break and I'm just being lazy. There are days where you really need that rest day and there are days where you're just making excuses. Learn to find definition between the two. I don't workout every day and I usually aim for 6 days and hit 4 or 5. But I'm happy and I'm healthy so that's a win in my book! You don't need a super long workout either, you just need to be efficient with your time. My Peloton strength classes are 20 minutes of solid work and I'm sore for days after.

Most of all, switch it up and have fun! That's what makes it a lifestyle.

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