I would love to write something super uplifting or great about 2020 but this year has been a little defeating! On a silver lining note, I think it's been nice to slow down and realize what is important to us. I know 2021 is just another January 1st, another tomorrow- but I love the feelings a new year brings and the motivation that comes with it. So in the spirit of a better year next year, I'm sharing some of my goal setting tips and ideas from my own 2021 resolutions.
1- Be realistic with your goals so you don't burn yourself out early in the year and then regret that the rest of the year. This also requires some honesty with yourself, do you have the mindset to really make changes? What is attainable for you with work, family, etc. Just like with fitness, there is a fine line of pushing yourself and pushing yourself too far.
2- What do you really want out of this year? Don't just settle for the generic fitness goal that everyone is doing. What do YOU want out of life this year? New years resolutions don't have to be just fitness oriented. Maybe you decide that this is the year you really pursue a new career or save for something you want. Get creative and think about your 5, 10 year plan as well and how this year will play into that.
3- Write them down. You're much more likely to work towards a goal if it's set it stone (or on paper, not just in your head). Put it somewhere where you can see it or make a big vision board so you're reminded of it. I even use to write notes on my mirror with dry erase marker back in the day for daily motivation.
4- Reward yourself. I think this is something we don't think about as much. Give yourself extra motivation to hit your goals by rewarding yourself. Yes, hitting your goals is rewarding but it's a similar theory to motivating employees- give yourself something worth working towards.
5- Be specific. It's easy to say, "I'll save money." But how much money? How are you going to do it? Also, give yourself a timeline. Write this all down like an actual business plan so you have a map to achieve your goals and it'll make things a lot easier.
I'm sharing my own 2021 goals in hopes of giving you ideas for your New Years resolutions!
1- Budget every month and log consistently. I always have a general budget but I want to be REALLY specific and tight with this by using the Every Dollar app. My friend Renee inspired me to do this and she paid off $50k in 16 months this way. You can follow her journey on instagram here: @debtfreerhythm
2- Finish paying off the wedding in cash only. This will rely on us budgeting and making sure we are making our money work for us. I've tried to plan out each and every cost as best as possible and will continue to do so as best as I can. Weddings have tons of random tiny expenses, lol. We have also tried to be very diligent about making this as affordable as possible but also what we want.
3- Dry January and 1 hour of activity daily during this month. I will be making mocktails and getting my workouts in early so I don't skip on them haha! I am doing this with a few friends so that will help with motivation.
4- Better fitness level than the previous year. This is somewhat generic but also a goal I aim to achieve every year. I want to continue working out at least six days per week and have a mix of spin/running/strength. I'll need to make sure I'm stretching more and getting enough sleep to really power through a workout. This year I logged (hoping to hit this today) 5000 minutes on the Peloton and I want to up that to 6000 next year.
5- Enjoy every moment and be unapologetically myself. 2020 showed me that I actually enjoy slowing down and living in even small moments like a trip to the mountains with my family. I want to continue that in 2021. I also spent a lot of time over analyzing things in 2020 (too much time at home LOL) and I don't want to carry that into 2021.
Discipline is my main word for 2021. I had to be disciplined to work from home and workout from home this year but I want more of it! To achieve this I actually want to unload what is on my plate a bit so that the stuff I do take on, I take on well because I have the time for it all. I want to make sure to continue to be disciplined with mental health as we continue to navigate this weird time. Disciplined with self care, family time, going to bed early. etc. etc. It all ties together!
I hope this post was helpful for you and you have the same positive vibes going into the New Year! Cheers to making it through 2020 and on to 2021!
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